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Wafat Imam Hassan-al-Askari (A)

8th Rabbil Awwal

Generosity has a limit, which when crossed becomes extravagance; caution has a limit which when crossed becomes cowardice; thriftiness has a limit, which when crossed becomes miserliness; courage has a limit, which when crossed becomes fool-hardiness. Let this moral lesson suffice: refrain from doing anything which you would disapprove of if done by someone else.
Imam Askari (A)

Important Facts

Imam Hassan ibn Ali Naqi(A)

Imam Naqi (A)

Samana al-Maghribiya/Hudayth/Sausan/Sulayl

Abu Mohammed

Al Askari

10 Rabbil Akhar 232 A.H.

8th Rabbil Awwal 260 A.H. poisoned by Al-Mu’tamid


Excerpt from 'The Life of Imam Hasan Al-'Askari':

Al-Mu’tamid, the Abbasid tyrant, could not bear Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) any longer, for he saw and heard people every when and everywhere glorify the imam and prefer him to all the Alawids and the Abbasids. Finally, he made up his mind to do away with the imam. He assassinated him by poisoning him.9 The poison reacted on his body, and he began suffering bitter and severe pains, while being patient, resorting to Allah.

The Abbasid government was very confused when Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) became seriously ill. Al-Mu’tamid ordered five of his trusted statesmen, among whom was Nahrir, to remain in the imam’s house and report to him about every new happening. He also ordered a committee of physicians to test the imam’s health day and night. After two days, he ordered the physicians not to leave the imam alone because his state was very grievous.

The imams’ health got worse, and the physicians were despondent of his recovery. Death began approaching him quickly. At those last moments of his life, Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.), mentioned Allah, glorified Him, and prayed Him to take him nearer to Him. His lips were busy reciting verses from the Holy Qur'an. He turned towards the Qiblah, and after not long, his pure soul flew towards the Heaven surrounded by the angels of the Beneficent Lord.

